Adventures at the MOMA

This segment is of my visit to the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, otherwise known as the MOMA. There were many well known works by equally well know artists. Unfortunately the camera I was using didn't work very well and I got only a few decent pictures in New York. I didn't want to take my big camera with me because I didn't want to get mugged, so I used this little inexpensive one. The problem was the film didn't advance properly and a lot of the pictures were multiple-exposed, and light got in from the back and created wierd red-flamelike exposures on most of the pictures (you can see some of that if you look closely).
Here is a Toullouse-Lautrec. What interested me the most about this one was the working surface that was used--corrogated cardboard! It's true. Well, if it's good enough for Toullouse, it's good enough for me!

seated man w/ top-hat

In the scene below, a deranged artist (right side of larger pic) attempts to sell me his wretched work. Of course I rejected the transaction and suggested something else he could do with 'em, although honestly, that's probably biologically impossible. The second pic shows the madman begging me return and purchase his work for whatever loose change I have in my pocket! Just kidding, that's actually still in the museum and that's my traveling bud SL! Under those pics is a better look at that artwork, which is actually by Cy Twombly.

MOMA Come back!


Here we see a disillusioned man wondering how his wedding picture could have turned out so horribly wrong! Actually, he's just contemplating a large Picasso.


[return to New England pics page]