New York Scenes

Well, here we are in New York. Unfortunately, I don't have many good pictures from here because my camera messed up and double-exposed and light contaminated a lot of the pics. I was using a little inexpensive camera instead of my big SLR because I didn't want to get mugged. Anyway, the first pic is from the top of the Empire State Bldg. Look how small the other buildings seem by comparison. I got to see the sunset from there. It was quite a site--nothing but city as far as the eye could see in all directions!

buildings from above

Next we have the classic scene of the street courner evangalist. He was shouting out from a bullhorn, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. God is coming, ya, God is coming!". That's what he said! This is 5th Avenue during rush hour. There were a lot of people on the side walk and almost all the cars on the street were taxi cabs.

guy on street corner

Below is the Lincoln Center skating rink. This is one of the better pictures, though still not great.

Lincoln center

Times Square:

buildings, streets, CK billboard

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