These pictures focus on some of the natural beauty to be seen on Puerto Rico. Being a tropical island, the primary feature, besides the ocean is the tropical forest(s). In Puerto Rico, the primary forest is the Caribbean National Forest, otherwise known as El Yunque. Below is a distance shot from El Yunque--you can see why these places are called rain forests. Actually we were lucky, this shot was as we were just about to go to the forest and by the time we got there, the clouds and rain had cleared out and we were spared.
A look up into the forest canopy. Notice the bromeliads growing from the upper parts of the trees?
Somewhere in the forest is this waterfall. It's a popular stopping point along the hiking trail.
Below is an interesting one to me. These are treeferns, which you don't see to often. In fact I only thought they grew in places like New Zealand and Australia. They're kind of an ancient type of tree and seeing them makes me feel like I'm back in some ancient time.
This is the only wildlife shot I got at El Yunque--a tiny lizard. I was intrigued by what sounded to me like parrot like calls while in the forest. That's because El Yunque is home to one of the rarest birds in the world--the Puerto Rican parrot. I really hoped to see one but I didn't